Below you find my publications. You can also visit my google scholar profile and my professional web-page.
Contribution to peer-reviewed journal/magazine
1. Jensen, MD & Kelstrup, JD 2019, 'House United, House Divided: Explaining the EU's Unity in the Brexit Negotiations', Journal of Common Market Studies, vol. 57, no. S1
2. Ejrnæs, A & Jensen, MD 2019, 'Divided but United: Explaining Nested Public Support for European Integration', West European Politics, vol. 42, no. 7
3. Jensen, MCD & Kristensen, PM 2018, 'The Babel of European Union Studies: Beyond the Trans-Atlantic Divide', European Political Science, vol. 17, no. 3.
4. Frid-Nielsen, S, Jensen, MCD & Kvist, J 2017, 'Adfærd, økonomi og politik: væsentlige forskere og begreber' Oekonomi og Politik, vol 90, no. 4.
5. Wu, PK & Jensen, MCD 2017, 'Examining the EU-China Relationship in the Aftermath of the Economic Crisis’ Early view in International Journal of Public Administration. Vol. 40, No. 14.
6. Jensen, MCD & Tatham , M 2017, 'Policy Analysis, International Relations, and European Governance – Beyond Disciplinary Boundaries' Early view in International Journal of Public Administration. vol. 40, no. 14.
7. Nedergaard, P and Jensen, MCD 2017, 'The Discourses of EU Presidencies: A Comparative Analysis of the Polish, Danish and Cypriot Presidencies' Comparative European Politics, vol 15, no. 2.
8. Jensen, MCD 2017, ‘Exploring central governments’ co-ordination of European Union affairs’, Public Administration, vol 95, no. 1.
9. Jensen, MCD 2016, 'Tre problemer i debatten om EU's demokratiske underskud' Samfundsøkonomen, vol 16, no. 3.
10. Butler, G, Jensen, MCD & Snaith, H 2016, '‘Slow change may pull us apart’: Debating a British Exit from the European Union' Journal of European Public Policy, vol 23, no. 4.
11. Jensen, MCD & Snaith, H 2016, 'When Politics Prevails: The political economy of a Brexit' Journal of European Public Policy, vol 23, no. 4.
12. Jensen, MCD, Jopp, M & Nedergaard, P 2016, 'Coordination of EU Policy Positions in Germany and Denmark: A Politics of Institutional Choice Approach' Journal of Contemporary European Research, vol 12, no. 2.
13. Stenbæk, J and Jensen, MCD 2016, 'Evading the joint decision trap: The Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-20' European Political Science Review, vol 8, no.4.
14. Bang, H, Jensen, MCD, and Nedergaard, P. 2015,‘We the People’versus ‘We the Heads of States’: the debate on the democratic deficit of the European Union. Policy Studies, vol 36, no. 2.
15. Jensen, MCD and Martinsen, DS 2015, 'Out of time?: National parliaments and early decision making in the European Union' Government and Opposition, vol 50, no. 2.
16. Jensen, MCD 2014, 'Negotiating the morass: measuring and explaining variation in coordination mechanisms in the European Union ' Journal of European Public Policy, vol 21, no. 9.
17. Jensen, MCD 2014, ’ Europa-Parlamentet og Repræsentation af De Nordiske Befolkninger’, Økonomi and Politik, vol 87, no.2.
18. Jensen, MCD, 2014, ‘Game changing - tracing the positions, strategies and interaction modes of the German Länder towards the (ever expanding?) European Union’, Regional and Federal Studies, vol 24, no. 3.
19. Jensen, MCD, Koop, C and Tatham, M 2014, ‘Coping with power dispersion? Autonomy, coordination and control in multi-level systems’, Journal of European Public Policy, vol 21, no. 9.
20. Jensen, MCD and Nedergaard, P 2014, 'Uno, Duo, Trio?: Varieties of Trio Presidencies in the Council of Ministers' Journal of Common Market Studies, vol 52, no. 5.
21. Nedergaard, P and Jensen, MCD 2014, 'The anatomy of Intergroups - network governance in the political engine room of the European Parliament' Policy Studies, vol 35, no. 2.
22. Jensen, MCD and Kristensen, PM 2013, ' The elephant in the room: mapping the latent communication pattern in European Union studies ' Journal of European Public Policy, vol 20, no. 1.
23. Jensen, MCD and Nedergaard, P 2013, ' Det danske EU-formandskab 2012 – satte det sig spor i centraladministrationen? 'Politica, vol 45, no. 4.
24. Jensen, MCD and Nedergaard, P 2012, ' From Frankenstein to Toothless Vampire: Explaining the watering down of the Services Directive ' Journal of European Public Policy, vol 19, no. 6.
25. Nedergaard, P and Jensen, MCD, 2012, ' Organiseringen af det danske EU-formandskab i 2012 ' Økonomi og Politik, vol 85, no. 3.
26. Martinsen, DS and Jensen, MCD 2006, ' Europæiseringen af ligestilling i Danmark ' Tidsskriftet Politik, vol 9, no. 3.
Working paper [Peer-reviewed]
1. Jensen, MCD and Martinsen, DS 2012, ' Out of Time? National parliaments and early decision making in the European Union ' Observatory of Parliaments after the Lisbon Treaty (OPAL). OPAL online series, no. 8, vol. 2012.
Contribution to journal/magazine [Not Peer-reviewed]
1. Jensen, MCD and Kappelgaard von Lago, T 2013, ' Hvad vil de store lande med Europa? ' Raeson, vol 2013, no. 4.
2. Jensen, MCD and Nedergaard, P 2012, ' Erfolgreiche Koordination in turbulenten Zeiten: die dänische Ratspräsidentschaft im ersten Halbjahr 2012 ' Integration, vol 35, no. 4.
3. Jensen, MCD and Knudsen, TB 2011, ' USA’s doktrin: Liberalisme via engagement? ' Udenrigs, vol 66, no. 2.
4. Jensen, MCD 2011, ' Uropa ' Raeson, vol 5, no. 2, pp. 16-19
5. Knudsen, TB and Jensen, MCD 2011, ' Humanitær intervention i Libyen ' Udenrigs, vol 66, no. 2.
6. Jensen, MCD 2006, ' Anm. af Dan Jørgensen (red.): Eurovisioner: essays om fremtidens Europa. Informations Forlag, 2006 ' Tidsskriftet Politik, vol 9, no. 4
1. Jensen, MCD & Martinsen, DS 2018, Fritz Scharpf. Djøf / Jurist- og Økonomforbundet.
2. Bortignon, IMW and Jensen, MCD 2018, Italiensk Politik, book manuscript completed.
3. Frid-Nielsen, SS, Jensen, MCD & Kvist, J (eds) 2017, 'Det uperfekte menneske og adfærdsbaseret offentlig politik' Oekonomi og Politik, vol 90, no. 4
4. Jensen, MCD and Nedergaard, P 2016, EU Presidencies between Politics and Administration: The Cases of the Polish, Danish and Cypriote EU Council Trio Presidency in 2011-2012, Published by the Governance book series at Routledge.
5. Butler, G, Jensen MCD and Snaith, H. 2016, ‘British Exit from the EU: Legal and Political Implications’, Debate Section of Journal of European Public Policy.
6. Jensen, MCDJ and Tatham, M (eds) 2017, European Governance in a changing world – Interests, institutions, and policy-making, Special issue of International Journal of Public Administration.
7. Börzel, T, Jensen, MCD and Knill, C (eds) 2014, Perspectives on European Governance in Comparative Perspective. Interests, Institutions and Policy-Making, Conference in honour of Adrienne Héritier on the occasion of her 70th birthday (4-5 July 2014). Kolleg-Forschergruppe (KFG) “The Transformative Power of Europe“, Festschrift, Freie Universität Berlin.
8. Jensen, MCD, Koop, C and Tatham, M (eds) 2014, ‘Coping with power dispersion? Autonomy, coordination and control in multi-level systems’, Special issue of Journal of European Public Policy, vol 21, no. 9.
9. Bhatti, Y. and Jensen, MCD (eds) 2014, Europa-Parlamentet efter Lissabon, Økonomi and Politik, vol 87, no.2.
10. Jensen, MCD and Nielsen, JH 2011, EUropa på Vej: en temabog om EU . Systime, Aarhus. . Published as a revised 2nd ED in 2017.
11. Jensen, MCD 2011, A Veto Players' Game?: Comparing and explaining domestic coordination regarding the European Union in Germany and Denmark . European University Institute, Firenze. PhD-thesis
12. Jensen, MCD, Rasmussen, A and Willumsen, D 2009, Europa-Parlamentet . Karnov Group, Kbh.
13. Jensen, MCD and Martinsen, D (eds) 2005, ‘Europæisering’, Tidsskriftet Politik, vol 9, no. 3.
Contribution to peer-reviewed book/anthology/report
1. Jensen, MCD & Kvist, J 2019, Hvordan laver man en stærk analysestrategi? in C Juul Kristensen & MA Hussain (eds), Metoder i samfundsvidenskaberne. 2. edn, Samfundslitteratur, Frederiksberg
2. Jensen, MCD & Snaith, H 2018, Brexit and the European Union: Hanging in the Balance? in P Diamond, P Nedergaard & B Rosamond (eds), Routledge Handbook of the Politics of Brexit. Routledge, Abingdon
3. Jensen, MCD & Kvist, J 2017, Behavioral public policy møder traditionelle styringsformer. in J Torfing & P Triantafillou (eds), New Public Governance på dansk?: Nye udfordringer til styring, organisation og aktører i den offentlige sektor. Akademisk Forlag.
4. Jensen, MCD 2017, Bayesiansk statistik. in MA Hussain & JT Lauridsen (eds), Videregående kvantitative metoder. Hans Reitzel.
5. Jensen, MCD og Kvist, J 2016, ’Hvordan laver man en stærk analysestrategi’, chapter 3, in Kristensen, C.J. og Hussain, A. (red.), ”Metoder i samfundsvidenskaberne. Forlaget Samfundslitteratur
6. Jensen, MCD and Nedergaard, P 2015, ‘Market integration in Europe and the Nordic Countries - the ambivalent path dependency’ in Grøn, C., Nedergaard, P, and Wivel, A, (eds) 2015, The Nordic States and the European Union, Routledge.
7. Jensen, MCD 2015, ‘The Nordic Countries and the European Parliament ’ in Grøn, C., Nedergaard, P, and Wivel, A, (eds) 2015, The Nordic Countries and the European Union, Routledge
8. Nedergaard, P. and Jensen, MCD 2015, ‘The Common Agricultural Policy: Comparing Danish and Swedish governmental positions’ in Grøn, C., Nedergaard, P, and Wivel, A, (eds) 2015, The Nordic States and the European Union, Routledge.
9. Jensen, MCD and Nedergaard, P 2014, ' Line ministries '. in A Aarstad, E Drieskens, K Erik Jørgensen, K Laatikainen and B Tonra (eds), Sage handbook on European Foreign Policy. Sage Publishing.
10. Jensen, MCD 2014, ' Markedsdiplomati '. in M Marcussen and K Ronit (eds), Dansk diplomati – klassiske træk og nye tendenser. Hans Reitzels forlag
11. Nedergaard, P and Jensen, MCD 2014, ' Who is sitting in the EU’s Chair at the UN?: Member States, Presidencies and the Commission '. in A Orsini (ed.), The European Union with(in) international organisations: continuity, commitment and consistency. Ashgate.
Contribution to book/anthology/report (non peer-reviewed)
1. Jensen, MCD & Kelstrup, JD 2018, Denmark. in H Kassim & S Usherwood (eds), Negotiating Brexit: Where Now?. University of East Anglia, Norwich
2. Jensen, MCD & Kelstrup, JD 2017, Denmark's Developing Position on Brexit. in H Kassim & S Usherwood (eds), Negotiating Brexit: what do the UK’s negotiating partners want?
3. Jensen, MCD, and Nedergaard, P 2014, Spillet om Frankensteindirektivet – et stykke om udvandede ambitioner i fire akter in Jensen, C (ed) 2014, Politologisk Årbog, Hans Reitzels forlag.
4. Jensen, MCD. 2014, ’Forhandlingerne om servicedirektivet: Fra Erhvervs- og byggestyrelsen til Ministerrådet’ in Boss M-, Grøn C, Kristjansen, S and Rømer, S. (eds) 2014, Cases i dansk forvaltning, Hans Reizel
5. Jensen, MCD 2013, 'Europæisering i teori og praksis'. in K Kosiara-Pedersen, G Nedergaard and EL Suenson (eds), Statskundskab i praksis : klassiske teorier og moderne problemer. Karnov Group, Kbh, revised for a second edition in 2016
6. Nedergaard, P and Jensen, MCD 2012, ' Intergrupper – et overset fænomen i Europa-Parlamentet '. in P Andersen, H Zobbe, JH Petersen and I Henriksen (eds), Hvordan ser verden ud? 73 bidrag om økonomi, institutioner og værdier : – Professor Niels Kærgård 70 år. Djøf / Jurist- og Økonomforbundet, Kbh.
7. Jensen, MCD and Thorup, BB 2011, ' EU og Europa '. in M Bülow (ed.), SamfNU: en grundbog til samfundsfag . 2 edn, Systime Academic, Aarhus.
8. Jensen, MCD and Thorup , BB 2008, ' EU: Danmark i EU og EU's fremtid '. in SamfNU: Grundbog til samfundsfag. Systime.
10. Jensen, MCD and Thorup, BB 2008, ' EU: Den Europæiske Union '. in SamfNu: Grundbog til samfundsfag. Systime.